The bacteria that cause gum disease can lead to the inflammation associated with hypertension.
It is no secret that your oral health has an important impact on your overall health. More and more research shows a strong connection between the condition of the mouth and the rest of the body. It is because the mouth acts as an entrance for bacteria and often gives clues to conditions that could affect the rest of the body. Interestingly, studies suggest that gum disease is a risk factor for heart disease because there is a link between gum disease and hypertension — read on to find out how these health problems are connected and what you can do to take care of your wellness…
What is hypertension?
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a potentially serious issue. It occurs when the blood presses against the walls of the blood vessels at a higher rate than considered normal. If left untreated, high blood pressure can have significant implications. It can put you at risk of developing several health problems. These include heart failure, stroke, vision-related issues, kidney disease, and complications during pregnancy.
High blood pressure can be caused by a number of factors. Lifestyle habits such as poor dietary choices, smoking, and lack of exercise tend to put one at greater risk of developing the issue. Other possible risk factors include hormonal imbalance, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
What is the connection between hypertension and gum disease?
Research suggests that the common risk factors for gum disease and high blood pressure are often the same. Bacterial infections can travel from the mouth and into the bloodstream. In doing so, these infections can affect various parts of the body. The bacteria associated with gum disease can cause inflammation of the blood vessels and valves of the heart. In turn, it leads to high blood pressure.
How can these problems be prevented?
One of the best ways to keep gum disease — and thus high blood pressure — at bay is to practice proper oral hygiene habits every day. It is advisable that you brush your teeth at least twice every day and that you floss daily. You should also try to eat a healthy, balanced diet and avoid harmful habits like smoking and other forms of tobacco use.
It is advisable to see your dentist for regular check-ups and cleans. A routine appointment every six months is ideal. This way, your dentist can check for signs of gum disease. They would be able to provide a solution before the issue worsens over time. Although there is no cure for gum disease, its effects are reversible if identified early enough. There are also ways in which the condition can be effectively managed, and further damage can be prevented with the proper intervention.
How can we help?
If you are concerned about your oral health and how it could affect your general health, we encourage you to come and see us. At Dental Pearls, we are dedicated to taking care of our patient’s wellness and will provide you with all the support and information you need to maintain a healthy smile.
We offer a comprehensive range of services, including general, restorative, and cosmetic treatments. To find out more about the full scope of procedures that we provide, please have a look here. When you come in and see us, we will thoroughly assess your oral health and let you know which treatment is most appropriate for you. We will also let you know if there are ways in which you can improve your oral hygiene habits and techniques to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible.
If you would like to arrange a consultation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here or give us a call at (07) 3210 2144.
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