Latest News and Information

Why Cosmetic Dentistry: What are the benefits?

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments From Dental Pearls In Brisbane Can Bring Your Smile To Life And Dramatically Improve The Appearance Of Your Teeth Cosmetic dentistry has become as safe and efficient as...

Considering Teeth Whitening Treatments?

Teeth whitening is one of our most popular treatments and there are a few good reasons for that. A whiter smile is a healthier smile. Now, it’s easier to achieve...

Diagnosis and Treatment for Sleep Apnoea

Sleep apnoea and its symptoms are incredibly common not only here in Australia but all over the world Dental Pearls are offering our Brisbane patients effective sleep apnoea treatment that...

Myofunctional Therapy For Kids

Myofunctional therapy has great benefits for the littlest member of the family. There is a plethora of snoring home treatments and remedies to be found on the internet and elsewhere, but the...

Why You Should Consider Adult Orthodontic Treatments

Modern dentistry has brought with it some fantastic developments in adult orthodontics At Dental Pearls we are passionate about providing the very highest standards of dental care to Brisbane patients...

What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?

At Dental Pearls we treat a range of concerns with a sensitive, gentle approach that extends to the obstructive sleep apnoea problems that our Brisbane patients experience Obstructive sleep apnoea...

Is Sleep Apnoea Dangerous?

At Dental Pearls we endeavour to provide our Brisbane patients with exceptional all-round oral care including the treatment of sleep apnoea. Our approach to dentistry is a sensitive and sympathetic...

How myofunctional therapy, orthodontics, and other appliances could treat your sleep apnoea

How Dental Pearls is tackling sleep apnoea with a combination of myofunctional therapy and adult orthodontics Sleep apnoea affects more than 5% of adults in Australia, and that figure is...

Myths and misconceptions about dental veneers

Dental veneers are an effective solution for improving the appearance or restoring the function of your teeth If you have chipped, cracked, stained, or worn teeth, dental veneers are an...

Veneers; the secret behind many a perfect smile

Have you ever looked at people on television or in magazines and wondered how they have such perfect smiles? Their secret isn’t Photoshop; it’s something far more permanent, and it’s...